International Water Research Alliance Saxony

Sustainable Utility Management

According to its main business, Sachsen Wasser now mediates the contacts between the KWL (Kommunale Wasserwerke Leipzig) and CAESB, responsible for water supply and waste water treatment in Brasília. It is expected that a close contact between those large companies with substantial knowledge in operation will generate new useful and innovative ideas for optimal work.

Both companies run large modern water works, waste water treatment plants, and wide networks to distribute potable water and collect waste water. The daily challenges to insure the supply and disposal tasks will bring up a lot of important themes for the exchange of operational experience. For instance, CAESB pointed out that they are very interested in the way KWL established a remote control system for the whole operation equipment and so reduced the number of operators in the plants. Another field of interest is the reduction of water losses, where both companies will exchange their actual programs and expert knowledge.

As measures to exchange experience, some workshops are agreed. A number of CAESB experts in waste water collection and treatment system will come to Leipzig in 2010 and share their experience with the KWL staff. During one week they will discuss the daily challenges and solutions in different working groups and during numerous field excursions. By that, a high level of know-how exchange can be realized. In 2011 some German waste water experts will travel to Brasília to repeat and deepen the experiences in discussion groups and field excursions.

Activities dealing with water supply follow in an analogous way. Again, a number of CAESB experts in water treatment and distribution systems will come to Leipzig for one week in 2010, and in 2011 some German water supply experts will travel to Brasília.

A special workshop for the top management about useful tools of monitoring of the main operational trends and of decision making completes the contribution of Sachsen Wasser to this project.


Workshop/Meeting at CAESB in Brasília (May 2010)


Dr. J. Wummel, SachsenWasser
Sachsen Wasser GmbH
Stephanstrasse 4
D- 04103 Leipzig
Phone: +49 (0) 341 969 32 65


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