IWAS - IWRM under different hydrological, climatic and socio-economic conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences, Special Issue.
Kalbus, E., Kalbacher, T., Kolditz, O., Krüger, E., Seegert, J., Teutsch, G., Krebs, P., Borchardt, D. (2011): IWAS - Integrated Water Resources Management under different hydrological, climatic and socio-economic conditions, IWAS SI Editorial, Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1363-1366.
Model Region Eastern Europe (Ukraine)
Röstel, G, Weigelt, C. (2009): Ukrainisch-deutsche Partnerschaft in der Wasserwirtschaft auf dem richtigen Weg - gemeinsamer Erfahrungsaustausch. Vodopostachannya ta vodovidvedennya 5/2009.
Unnerstall, H. and Hagemann, N. 2011. Analysing the shortcomings of the Ukrainian urban waste water sector - Institutional options for modernisation. In: Theesfeld, I., and Pirscher, F. (Eds.), Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe. Halle, IAMO: 35-54.
Delfs, J.-O., Blumensaat, F., Wang, W., Krebs, P., Kolditz, O. (2011): Coupling hydro-geological with surface runoff model in a Poltva case study in Western Ukraine. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1439–1457.
Ertel, A., Lupo, A., Scheifhacken, N., Bodnarchuk, T., Manturova, O., Berendonk, T., Petzoldt, T. (2011): Heavy load and high potential. Anthropogenic pressures and their impacts on the water quality along a lowland river (Western Bug, Ukraine). Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1459-1473.
Blumensaat, F., Wolfram, M., Krebs, P. (2011): Sewer model development under minimum data requirements. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1427–1437.
Dzezyk, S., Röstel, G., Weigelt C. (2011): Zaprovadzhennya ekonomichno-obgruntovanykh taryfiy – vazhlyva peredumova dlya dotrymannya yakosti; nadiynoho postachannya ta investytsiy u vodoprovidno-kanalizatsiynomu hospodarstvu. Vodopostachannya ta vodovidvedennya. 6/2011, S. 15-23.
Grünewald, U., Schanze, J. (2011): Klimawandel – Konsequenzen für Wasser und Raum. In: von Haaren C, Galler C (Hg.), Zukunftsfähiger Umgang mit Wasser im Raum. Forschungs- und Sitzungsberichte der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, 234, Hannover, 44–51.
Kolditz, O., Delfs, J.-O., Kalbacher, T. et al. (2012): OpenGeoSys: An open source initiative for numerical simulation of THMC processes in porous media, Environ. Earth Sci., DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-1546-x.
Lupo, A., Coyne, S., and Berendonk, T.U. (2012): Origin and evolution of antibiotic resistance: the common mechanisms of emergence and spread in water bodies. Frontiers in Antimicrobials, Resistances and Chemotherapies. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00018. Review Article.
Rink, K., Kalbacher, T., Kolditz, O. (2011): Visual data exploration for hydrological analysis. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1395–1403.
Schanze, J., Trümper, J., Burmeister, C., Pavlik, D., Kruhlov, I. (2012): A methodology for dealing with regional change in integrated water resources management. In: Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1405-1414.
Scheifhacken, N., Haase, U., Gram-Radu, L., Kozovyi, R., Berendonk, T.U. (2011): How to assess hydromorphology? A comparison of Ukrainian and German approaches. Environ Earth Sci., 65(5): 1483–1499.
Tavares Wahren, F., Tarasiuk, M., Mykhnovych, A., Kit, M., Feger, K.-H., Schwärzel, K. (2011): Estimation of spatially distributed soil information. Dealing with data shortages in the Western Bug Basin, Ukraine. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1501–1510.
Blumensaat, F, Tränckner, J, Helm, B, Kroll, S, Dirckx, G, Krebs, P (2012). An
adaptive framework to differentiate water quality impacts on a multi-scale level. Water
Science and Technology, 67(2), pp 424–432
Helm B, Terekhanova TA, Tränckner J, Venohr M, Krebs P(2012) Attributiveness of a
mass flow analysis model for integrated water resources assessment under data-scarce
conditions. Water Science & Technology Vol 67 No 2 pp 261–270 © IWA
Seiler, C, Berendonk, TU (2012) Heavy metal driven co-selection of antibiotic resistance
in soil and water bodies impacted by agriculture and aquaculture. Frontiers in
Microbiology 3, 399-399
Tavares Wahren F, Helm B, Schumacher F, Pluntke T, Feger K-H, Schwärzel K
(2012) A modeling framework to assess water and nitrate balances in the Western Bug
river basin, Ukraine. Advances in Geosciences. pp 85-92
Terekhanova TA, Helm B, Traenckner J Krebs P (2012) IWRM decision support with
material flow analysis: consideration of urban system input. Water Science & Technology
Vol 66 No 11 pp 2432–2438 © IWA doi:10.2166/wst.2012.470.
Model Region Central Asia (Mongolia)
Schaffrath, D., Barthold, F., Bernhofer, C. (2010): Spatiotemporal variability of grassland vegetation cover in a catchment in Inner Mongolia, China, derived from MODIS data products. Plant and Soil. doi:10.1007/s11104-010-0465-4. Abstract
Sigel, K. (2010): Environmental sanitation in peri-urban ger areas in Darkhan (Mongolia): A description of current status, practices, and perception, UFZ-Report 02/2010, UFZ, Leipzig.
Vetter, S., Ketzer, B., Liu, H., Bernhofer, C. (submitted): Eddy covariance based carbon fluxes from differently grazed grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. Plant and Soil.
Wang, L., Ketzer, B., Liu, H., Bernhofer, C. (submitted): Effects of grazing on evapotranspiration over a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Plant and Soil.
Model Region Southeast Asia (Vietnam)
Stefan, C., Werner, P. (2009): How to Protect Water Resources in Hanoi - International Water Research Alliance Saxony in Vietnam. Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis Nr. 2, 18. Jg., September 2009.
Model Region Middle East (Oman/Saudi Arabia)
Philipp, A., Schmitz, G.H., Liedl, R. (2010): An Analytical Model of Surge Flow in Non-Prismatic Permeable Channels and Its Application in Arid Regions. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 136(5), 290-298. Abstract
Schütze, N. and G.H. Schmitz (in press): OCCASION: A new Planning Tool for Optimal Climate Change Adaption Strategies in Irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. Abstract
Al-Ajmi, H., Hinderer, M., Keller, M., Rausch, R., Blum, P., Bohnsack, D. (2011). The Role of Outcrop Analogue Studies for the Characterization of Aquifer Properties, International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, 1(1), pp. 48-54.
Al-Saud, M., Teutsch, G., Schüth, C., Rausch, R. (2011). Challenges for an Integrated Groundwater Management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, 1(1), pp. 65-70.
Kalbus, E., Oswald, S., Wang, W., Kolditz, O., Engelhardt, I. (2011): Large-scale Modeling of the Groundwater Resources on the Arabian Platform, International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, 1(1), pp. 38-47.
Mailhol, J. C., Ruelle, P., Walser, S., Schütze, N., Dejean, C. (2011): Analysis of AET and yield predictions under surface and buried drip irrigation systems using the Crop Model PILOTE and Hydrus-2D. Agricultural Water Managem., 98(6):1033-1044.
Pfletschinger, H., Engelhardt, I., Piepenbrink, M., Königer, F., Schuhmann, R., Kallioras, A., Schüth, C. (2011): Soil column experiments to quantify vadose zone water fluxes in arid settings. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5):1523-1533.
Schubert, M., Schüth, C., Michelsen, N., Rausch, R., Al-Saud, M. (2011): Investigation and Treatment of Natural Radioactivity in Large-Scale Sandstone Aquifer Systems, International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, 1(1), pp. 25-32.
Schüth, C., Kallioras, A., Piepenbrink, M., Pfletschinger, H., Al-Agmi, H., Engelhardt, I., Rausch, R., Al-Saud, M. (2011): New Approaches to quantify groundwater recharge in arid areas, International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, 1(1), pp. 33-37.
Schütze, N., de Paly, M. & U. Shamir (2011): Novel simulation-based algorithms for optimal open-loop and closed-loop scheduling of deficit irrigation systems. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2011. 10.2166/hydro.2011.073.
Schütze, N., Grundmann, J. & G. Schmitz (2011): Perspektiven für die integrierte Wasserbewirtschaftung durch den Einsatz simulationsbasierter Optimierungsmethoden am Beispiel landwirtschaftlich genutzter küstennaher arider Gebiete im Oman. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 55(2):52-63.
Schütze, N., Kloss, S., Lennartz, F., Bakri, A., Schmitz, GH. (2011): Optimal planning and operation of irrigation systems under water resource constraints in Oman considering climatic uncertainty. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5):1511-1521.
Grundmann, J., Schütze, N., Schmitz, G.-H., & Al-Shaqsi, S. (2011): Towards an integrated arid zone water management using simulation based optimisation. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1381–1394.
Walser, S., Schütze, S., Guderle, M., Lieske, S., Schmidhalter, U. (2011): Evaluation of the transferability of a SVAT model – results from field and greenhouse applications. Irrigation and Drainage 60. DOI: 10.1002/ird.669.
Kloss, S., Schütze, N., Schmitz, G.-H. (2011): Comparison of SVAT models for simulating and optimizing deficit irrigation systems in arid and semi-arid countries under climate variability. Water Resources Management. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-011-9906-y.
Gerner, A., Schütze, N., Schmitz, G.-H. (2012): Portrayal of fuzzy recharge areas for water balance modelling – a case study in northern Oman. Advances in Geosciences. doi:10.5194/adgeo-31-1-2012.
Walther, M., Delfs, J.-O., Grundmann, J., Kolditz, O., Liedl, R. (2012): Saltwater Intrusion Modeling: Verification and Application to an Agricultural Coastal Arid Regi-on in Oman, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. doi: 10.1016/ 2012.02.008.
Grundmann J, Schütze N, Lennartz F (2012) Sustainable management of a coupled groundwater–agriculture hydrosystem using multi-criteria simulation based optimisation. Water Science & Technology, 67.3, doi: 10.2166/wst.2012.602
Walther, M, Böttcher, N, Liedl, R (2012) A 3D interpolation algorithm for layered tilted geological formations using an adapted inverse distance weighting approach. ModelCare2011 (pp. 119–126). IAHS Publ. 355 (2012) ISBN 978-1-907161-34-6, 374. Retrieved from
Grundmann, J., Lennartz, F. (2012): Neue Wege für eine nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung landwirtschaftlich genutzter Wasserressourcen arider Regionen am Beispiel des Sultanats Oman. In IWRM-Infobrief 12/2012, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ.
Model Region Latin America (Brazil)
Weiss, H., Lorz, C., Makeschin, F., Neder, K. Roesser, P., Walde, D. (2009): The Project IWAS – Latin America (Brazil) International Water Research Alliance Saxony. GWF International, 150, 10-11.
Lorz, C., Abbt-Braun, G., Bakker, F., Borges, P., Börnick, H., Fortes, L., Frimmel, FH., Gaffron, A, Hebben, N., Höfer, R., Makeschin, F., Neder, K., Roig, LH., Steiniger, B., Strauch, M., Walde, D., Weiß, H., Worch, E., Wummel, J. (2011): Challenges of an Integrated Water Resource Management for the Distrito Federal, Western Central Brazil - Climate, Land Use and Water Resources. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1575-1586.
Franz, C., Roig, H., Makeschin, F., Schubert, M., Weiß, H., Lorz, C. (2012): Sediment characteristics and sedimentation rates of a small river in Western Central Brazil. – J. Environ. Earth Sci. 65 (5): 1601–1611.
Lorz, C., Bakker, F., Neder, K., Roig, H.L., Weiss, H., Makeschin, F. (2011b): Landnutzungswandel und Wasserressourcen im Bundesdistrikt Brasiliens – Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 55 (2), 75-87.
Vasyukova, E., Uhl, W., Braga, F., Simões, C., Baylão, T., Neder, K. (2011): Drinking water production from surface water sources in the tropics: Brasília DF, Brazil. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5):1587-1599.
Lorz, C., Abbt-Braun, G., Bakker, F., Borges, P., Börnicke, H., Frimmel, F., Gaffron, A., Höfer, R., Makeschin, F., Neder, K., Roig L. H., Steiniger, B., Strauch, M., Worch, E., Weiß, H. (2011a): Die Bedeutung von Klima und Landnutzung für ein Integriertes Wasserressourcen Management – eine Fallstudie im westlichen Zentral-Brasilien. - gwf Wasser-Abwasser International 9/2011, 828-855.
Strauch, M., Bernhofer, C., Koide, S., Volk, M., Lorz, C., Makeschin, F., 2012. Using precipitation data ensemble for uncertainty analysis in SWAT streamflow simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 414-415: 413-424.
Strauch, M, Lima, JEFW,Volk, M, Lorz, C, Makeschin, M (2012) The impact of Best Management Practices on simulated streamflow and sediment load in a Central Brazilian catchment. J Environ Managem, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.01.014.
Cross-cutting Theme Scenarios & System Analysis
Delfs, J.-O. (2010): An Euler-Lagrangian concept for transport processes in coupled hydrosystems, PhD Thesis, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen.
Delfs, J.-O., Kalbus, E., Park, C.-H., Kolditz, O. (2009): Ein physikalisch basiertes Modellkonzept zur Transportmodellierung in gekoppelten Hydrosystemen (A physically-based model concept for transport modelling in coupled hydrosystems). Grundwasser 14(3), 219-235. Abstract
Delfs, J.-O., Park, C.-H., Kolditz, O. (2009): A sensitivity analysis of Hortonian flow. Advances in Water Resources 32 (9), 1386-1395.
Schneider, C.L. (2009): Well flows and root water uptake: Impact of local hydraulic properties on larger scale subsurface water extraction, PhD Thesis, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, UFZ Dissertation 13/2009, ISSN 1860-0387.
Schneider, C.L., Attinger, S., Delfs, J.-O., Hildebrandt, A. (2010): Implementing small scale processes at the soil-plant interface - the role of root architectures for calculating root water uptake profiles, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14, 279-289. Abstract
Kalbacher, T., Delfs, J.-O., Shao, H., Wang, W., Walther, M., Samaniego, L., Schneider, C., Musolff, A., Centler, F., Sun, F., Hildebrandt, A., Liedl, R., Borchardt, D., Krebs, P., Kolditz, O. (2011): The IWAS-ToolBox: Software Coupling for an Integrated Water Resources Management, Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1367-1380.
Pavlik, D., Söhl, D., Pluntke, T., Mykhnovych, A., Bernhofer, C. (2011): Dynamic downscaling of global climate projections for Eastern Europe with a horizontal resolution of 7km. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5):1475-1482.
Rink, K., Kalbacher, T., Kolditz, O. (2011): Visual Data exploration for Hydrological Analysis. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5):1395-1403.
Blumensaat, F., Wolfram, M., and Krebs, P. (2011). "Sewer model development under mini-mum data requirements." Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(5), 1427-1437.
Delfs, J.-O., Blumensaat, F., Wang, W., Krebs, P., Kolditz, O. (2011): Coupling hydro-geological with surface runoff model in a Poltva case study in Western Ukraine. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1439–1457.
Gräbe, A., Rink, K., Fischer, T., Kolditz, O., Rödiger, T. (2011): Regional flow and runoff model along the Western Dead Sea escarpment. MODELCARE 2011, Leipzig, Germany, accepted.
Walther, M., Delfs, J.-O., Grundmann, J., Kolditz, O., Liedl, R. (2011b): Saltwater Intrusion Model-ing: Verification and Application to an Agriculturally Used Coastal Arid Region in Oman, FEMTEC, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, DOI: 10.1016/
Friesen J., Steele-Dunne S., and van de Giesen N. (2012): Diurnal differences in global ERS scatterometer backscatter observations of the land surface. IEEE Trans. on Geosci. Remote Sens. Vol. 50, no. 7pp. 2595-2602, Jul. 2012.
Gräbe A., Rödiger T., Rink K., Fischer T., Sun F., Wang W., Siebert C., Kolditz O. (2012): Numerical analysis of the groundwater regime in the western Dead Sea escarp-ment, Israel and West Bank. Environ Earth Sci. DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1795-8.
Steele-Dunne S, J. Friesen, and N. van de Giesen (2012): Using Diurnal Variation in Backscatter to Detect Vegetation Water Stress. IEEE Trans. on Geosci. Remote Sens. Vol. 50, no. 7pp. 2618-2629, Jul. 2012.
Walther M, Delfs JO, Grundmann J, Kolditz O, Liedl R (2012): Saltwater Intrusion Modeling: Verification and Application to an Agriculturally Used Coastal Arid Region in Oman, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, DOI: 10.1016/
Radu, F.A., Wang, W.Q. (2013). Convergence analysis for a mixed finite element scheme for flow in strictly unsaturated porous media. Nonlinear Anal.-Real World Appl. (in press)
Singh, A.K.; Böttcher, N.; Görke, U.-J.; Delfs J.-O.; Taron J.; Kolditz, O. (2012) A benchmark study on compositional fluid flow, Energy Procedia, 2012.
Walther, M., Böttcher, N., & Liedl, R. (2012). A 3D interpolation algorithm for layered tilted geological formations using an adapted inverse distance weighting approach. ModelCare2011 (pp. 119–126). IAHS Publ. 355 (2012) ISBN 978-1-907161-34-6, 374. Retrieved from
Cross-cutting Theme Transfer & Implementation (1th project phase)
Libra, J., Ro, K.S., Kammann, C., Funke, A., Berge, N., Neubauer, Y., Titirici, M., Fühner, C., Bens, O., Emmerich, K.-H. (submitted for publication in Fuel): Carbonization of Biomass Waste Materials to Char: Chemistry, Processes and their Applications.
Niemann, S., Graefe, O. (2010): Die ungleiche Wasserversorgung in Afrika: Eine kontinentale Entwicklungshypothek. – in: Glaser, R., Kremb, K., Drescher, A.W. (Hrsg.): Afrika. Darmstadt, S. 33-46.
Cross-cutting Theme Technology Development and Implementation (2nd phase)
Libra, J.A., Ro K.S., Kammann, C., Funke, A., Berge, N.D., Neubauer, Y., Titirici, M.-M., Fühner, C., Bens, O., Kern, J., Emmerich, K.-H. (2011) Hydrothermal carbonization of biomass residuals: a comparative review of the chemistry, processes and applications of wet and dry pyrolysis. Biofuels 2, 71-106.
Henseleit A., Schmieder S., Bley T., Sonntag F., Schilling N., Quenzel P., Danz N., Klotzbach U. Boschke E. (2011): A compact and rapid aptasensor platform based on surface plasmon resonance. Engineering in Life Sciences 11, No. 6, 573-579.
Muñoz Escobar M., Voyevoda M., Fühner C., Zehnsdorf A. (2011) Potential uses of Elodea nuttallii harvested biomass. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 1:4.
Strehlitz B., Reinemann C., Linkorn S., Stoltenburg R. (2011) Aptamers for pharmaceuticals and their application in environmental analytics. Bioanalytical Reviews, DOI 10.1007/s12566-011-0026-1.
Cross-cutting Theme Governance / Institutional framework (2nd phase)
Unnerstall, H., Hagemann, N. (2011): Analysing the shortcomings of the Ukrainian urban waste water sector – Institutional options for modernisation. In: Theesfeld, I. und Pirscher, F. (Hrsg.), Perspectives on Institutional Change – Water Management in Europe. Halle, Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa: 35-54.
Horlemann, L., Dombrowsky, I.: Institutionalizing IWRM in developing and transition countries – The case of Mongolia, Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1547–1559.
Cross-cutting Theme Capacity Development (2nd phase)
Leidel, M., Niemann, S. & Hagemann, N. (2011): Capacity development as a key factor for integrated water resources management (IWRM): improving water management in the Western Bug River Basin, Ukraine. Environ. Earth Sci., 65(5): 1415–1426.
Fischer, A., Stefan, C., Silabetzschky, K., Werner, P., Bui, H. (2011): Soil aquifer treatment as a tool for sustainable groundwater use in Hanoi/Vietnam. In: J. Environ. Prot. 2(8), S. 882-887, doi:10.4236/jep.2011.27100.
Stefan, C. (2011): New journal for the promotion of Vietnamese environmental research. In J. Viet. Env. 2011, S. 1-4.
Stefan, C., Phan, H.M., Pham, V.B., Werner, P. (2011): Capacity Development Plat-form for promoting efficient urban water management. In J. Viet. Env. 2011, S. 5-11.
Stefan C., Fröhlich T., Fuchs L., Junghanns R., Phan H.M., Tran V.N., Werner P. (2012): Sustainable water resources management in the Long Bien district of Hanoi, Vietnam. Water Science and Technology: Water Suply; in press.
Stefan C., Fuchs L., Röstel G., Werner P.: Handbook for sustainable development: integrated water resources management in Hanoi, Vietnam. J. Viet. Env. 2(1):45-47.